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Table 2 Prevalence of reported D2B Alliance strategies (n = 797)*

From: Contemporary evidence: baseline data from the D2B Alliance

Recommended Strategies

Prevalence n/N (%)

95% CI

Emergency medicine physician activates the catheterization laboratory


   On day shifts

394/763 (51.6)

48.1, 55.2

   On night and weekend shifts

455/763 (59.6)

56.1, 63.1

   On both day and night/weekend shifts

391/761 (51.4)

47.8, 55.0

Catheterization laboratory is activated through a single-call system using page operator

229/761 (30.1)

26.8, 33.4

Catheterization team is expected to be in the catheterization laboratory within 20–30 minutes of page


   Catheterization laboratory nurses and technicians

661/749 (88.3)

85.9, 90.6

   Interventional cardiologist

629/746 (84.3)

81.7, 86.9

   Catheterization laboratory nurses, technicians, and interventionalist

607/745 (81.5)

78.7, 84.3

Prompt data feedback about D2B times is provided to emergency department and catheterization laboratory staff (within 1 week)

409/771 (53.1)

48.5, 56.6

Activate catheterization laboratory based on pre-hospital electrocardiogram while patient is still en route to hospital

241/747 (32.3)

28.9, 35.6

  1. * Denominator for all percentages is total non-missing responses to relevant item.
  2. CI, confidence interval