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Table 3 Distribution of hemoglobin level in relation to blood lead levels.

From: Relation between anemia and blood levels of lead, copper, zinc and iron among children

Categories of anemia according to hemoglobin level

Low blood lead level

<10 μg/dl (n = 22)

No (%)

High blood lead level

≥10 μg/dl (n = 38)

No (%)

Test of significance

No anemia (Hb level ≥11 g/dl)

16 (72.7)

14 (36.8)

x2 = 10.5

p = 0.01

Mild anemia (Hb level 10-10.9 g/dl)

1 (4.5)

11 (28.9)*


Moderate anemia (Hb level 8-9.9 g/dl)

4 (18.3)

5 (13.2)


Severe anemia: (Hb level < 8 g/dl)

1 (4.5)

8 (21.1)*

  1. * p = < 0.05