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Table 7 Gain- and loss-framed messages from selected articles

From: Media response to colon cancer campaigns in Switzerland 2005-2007: regional newspapers are the most reliable among the printed media


Gain-framed message

Loss-framed message


Original Text

Translated text

Original Text

Translated text

German Articles

"Nimm 5 am Tag...Genuss ohne Reue mit nachhaltiger Wirkung und wenig Aufwand"

"5 a day...Benefit without regret with lasting effect and little expenses"

"Warum tun nicht mal zwei Drittel der Schweizerinnen und Schweizer das Einfachste für ihre Gesundheit, indem sie täglich Früchte und Gemüse essen? Besonders vitamin-abstinent sind die Jungen"

"Why two thirds of Swiss people do not do the simplest thing for their health, by eating daily fruits and vegetables? Mainly young people are vitamins abstinent"


"Kulinarischer Genuss im Namen der Gesundheit"

"Culinary pleasure in the name of the health"

"Darmkrebs kann jede und jeden treffen"

"Colon cancer can touch everybody"


"Darmkrebs verhindern oder früh erkennen mit Hilfe Ihrer Apotheke"

"Prevent and detect a colon cancer thanks to your pharmacy"


"Darmkrebs - alle können etwas dagegen tun"

"Colon cancer - everybody can do something against it"


French Articles

"Une vie saine limite les risques de cancer de l'intestin... Les facteurs bénéfiques les plus importants sont: pas de surcharge pondérale, une activité physique suffisante, une alimentation riche en fruits et légumes, peu de viande rouge et une consommation d'alcool modérée"

"Healthy life can reduce colon cancer risk... It's mainly necessary to avoid overweight, have a good physical activity and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables while reducing red meat and alcohol consumption"

"Les Suisses et les Suissesses boudent les fruits et les légumes... Seulement 18% des Suisses mangent les cinq portions recommandées quotidiennement"

"Swiss people do not pay attention to fruit and vegetables... Only 18% of Swiss eat the 5 daily portions of fruits and vegetables recommended"


"Des gènes pourraient combattre les tumeurs"

"Some genes can fight cancer"

"Le cancer de colon fait des ravages en Valais"

"Colon cancer is ravaging in Valais"


"La génétique prédictive est l'arme de demain"

"Predictive genetic is the weapon of tomorrow"


Italian Articles

" la tavola puo' anche essere una preziosa alleata se la dieta è ricca di frutta, verdura e cereali integrali"

"...but well eating can be a precious friend if the diet is rich in fruits, vegetables and cereals"

"Sono sempre piu' numerosi i ragazzi che soffrono di sovrappeso. I motivi risiedono nelle abitudini alimentari e nella mancanza di attività fisica"

"More and more children suffer of obesity due to bad eating habits and lack of physical activity"


"Frutta e verdure combattono i tumori"

"Fruits and vegetables fight against cancer"

"Grassi e alcool aumentano il rischio di tumore"

"Fat food and alcohol increase the risk of cancer..."

  1. Example of different message framing in German, French and Italian articles reporting the campaigns.