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Table 1 Characteristics of rural Malawian children enrolled in EndoCab analysis, n = 388

From: Plasma endotoxin core antibody concentration and linear growth are unrelated in rural Malawian children aged 2–5 years


Mean (±SD) or N (%)

Age, months

40.5 (±8.6)


182 (47%)

Endotoxin antibody, GMU/mL

74.2 (±100.7)

Height-for-age, z score

−2.80 (±1.1)

Change in HAZ 3 months after EndoCab analyses

0.3 (±0.3)

Weight-for-age, z score

−1.5 (±0.9)

Weight-for-height, z score

0.3 (±0.9)


0.3 (±0.2)


6.6 (±5.4)


0.2 (±0.2)

 L:M ≥0.10

340 (88%)

 L:M <0.10

48 (12%)

House has a metal roof

102 (26%)

Child cleanses hands with soap after stooling

192 (50%)

Child previously treated for malnutrition

12 (4%)