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Table 5 Results of SWOT analysis for the implementation of chronic disease prevention and management programs

From: The prevention and management of chronic disease in primary care: recommendations from a knowledge translation meeting

Strengths to leverage

Weaknesses to address

Stakeholders, partnerships, and knowledge transfer


Having a “complete picture” and understanding [needs] of key stakeholders, including decision- makers and their willingness to support change

Length of project is too short to make a clinical or behavioural change in patients

Strong government leadership (local, regional, and national)

Evaluation component is under financial and evaluation constraints bringing delays in patient interventions

Clinicians and clinical teams

Lack of resource and funds (local, regional, and national)

Motivated clinicians

 Immediate embracing of the program by some clinicians—willingness to go above and beyond what the pilot project was meant to implement

Funding required sites to commit to the longevity of programs before programs were proven to be effective


Lack of communication/marketing plan aimed at reaching target populations

The presence of complete clinical teams composed of various professionals allows clinicians to learn from one another

Strong clinical leadership in the diverse professions

Ineffective communication of teams in primary care and no systematic communication with referring doctors

Program structure

Clinicians and clinical teams

A common model of care between projects

 Ability of a program to integrate into existing structures. Projects need to be able to weave a place into what already exists

Have a tendency to use “champion clinicians”. There is a danger in counting on “champions” who are not always available

Existing medical culture closed to the concept of interdisciplinary and preventative interventions

Nature of the programs is evidence-based

Recruitment and turnover of personnel is especially difficult in a perspective of trying to transform clinical roles

 Address diseases as well as their risk factors

Lack of participation from referring physicians

 Patient-centered approach compared to a typical silo approach

Program structure

 Touch on psychosocial factors as much as biological factors

Many tools available make the decision about choosing which one to use difficult

 Emphasis on interdisciplinary teams, and self-management

Not having clinical information systems


Low number of referrals to the programs. May be due to lack of awareness of referral forms or clear referral procedures


Method of physician remuneration


Lack of continuity of care

Opportunities to optimize

Threats to mitigate


Seize public and private funding opportunities


Capitalize on existing funding to add resources to Family Medicine Groups

Ensure continuation of funding

Explore what currently exists in terms of remuneration models

Lack of resources and difficulty of resources management

Stakeholders, partnerships, and knowledge transfer

Ensuring constant and continuous data collection

Facilitate intra and inter-professional meetings for knowledge exchange and ensuring human contact between stakeholders

Stakeholders, partnerships, and knowledge transfer

Integration of many organizations with different business models and cultures—brings challenges in terms of communication, authority, financing, etc

Working with people and community networks who have a shared vision and philosophy

 Influence changes in university curriculum to put greater emphasis on interdisciplinarity

Roles and responsibilities described in the law do not necessarily translate into real power or influence

Continuously talk about chronic disease in its entirety to incite others to associate themselves with the cause

Lobby presence (ex. pharmaceutical, professional federations)

  Mobilization of primary care teams and all the financial factors involved—resource re-allocation

Clinicians and clinical teams

Make better use of clinical tools, stakeholders experience, and models which have already proven themselves—avoid reinventing the wheel

Will take effort to compile and disseminate the results of seven projects so that they can be used to guide decisions across the province

Capitalize on the synergy between research team and clinicians

Clinicians and clinical teams

Strong evaluations and the guidance it can provide throughout the implementation process and for guiding future decisions

Potential resistance that arises during the evaluation of clinical practice

Harmonizing the visions in the management of chronic disease (ex. expert clinician vs. the patient partner)

Support the transformation of professional roles by exploring different types of training

Program structure

Learning to work in interdisciplinary teams

Support integration of self-management into patient care

Lots of sudden changes can become tiresome

Adoption of health information technologies to facilitate referrals, care delivery, access to medical information, and communication

Ensure that professionals are using their full potential, particularly in a context of the revision of roles

Would be good to have access to a single tool that could facilitate work of the doctor and properly identify the patient’s needs and show where they are in their care path

Avoiding a doubling of services—make sure projects are not competing with existing services on a territory

Physicians often lack a complete health profile of their clientele

Restructure programs to better respond to personnel turnover


A large proportion of the population does not have a family physician and therefore no access to these projects


Conservative leadership of authorities—is the leadership sufficient to bring about the desired changes?