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Table 1 Summary statistics of the study sample (presented figures are mean and standard deviations for continuous variables or frequency and percentage for categorical variables)

From: Comparison of TPLO tibial tuberosity fractures with and without an in situ rotational pin


With pin (n = 200)

Without pin (n = 200)

Overall sample (n = 400)

Age (years)

4.84 (2.63)

5.25 (2.49)

5.04 (2.57)

Sex (% female)

115 (57.5%)

101 (50.5%)

216 (54%)

Weight (kg)

31.29 (12.02)

32.46 (11.56)

31.88 (11.79)

Pre TPA angle

26.98 (5.18)

25.59 (3.78)

26.28 (4.58)

Post TPA angle

5.68 (3.98)

5.58 (3.28)

5.63 (3.64)

Post/pre angle difference

21.3 (5.21)

20.0 (4.11)

20.65 (4.73)

Tibial tuberosity width (cm)

0.94 (0.27)

0.94 (0.22)

0.94 (0.25)

Tibial width (cm)

4.14 (0.69)

4.28 (0.65)

4.21 (0.67)

Tibial tuberosity avulsion

1 (0.5%)

7 (3.5%)

8 (2%)