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Table 3 The frequency of analytical and post-analytical errors (N = 182) in hematology laboratory at SPHMMC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

From: Errors in the Hematology Laboratory at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Analytical errors

N (%)

Post-analytical errors

N (%)

Wrong reagent storage tem

6 (42.8)

Communication errors

126 (75)

Electric interruption

5 (35.7)

Delayed results

7 (4.1)

Expired reagents

2 (14.2)

Transcription errors

25 (14.8)

Non conformity with QC

1 (7.1)

Data entry errors

9 (5.4)


14 (100)

Lost results

1 (0.6)



168 (100)