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Table 1 Focus group sub-categories for physical activity

From: Pharmaceutical workers’ perceptions of physical activity and healthy eating: a qualitative study


Example excerpts

Personal barriers to physical activity

Now, responsibilities in life has changed. So I think that is as life changes your activity levels change as well as including your, health wise. I can't run ten blocks like before. (Participant ID: 1:90)

If I can add, I don't know, like my growing up nè. I am the first born at home so I used to do washing for my younger sister and my brothers. (Participant ID: 1:86)

Now it’s raining, it’s cold. Now, it’s getting cold now. (Participant ID: 2:90)

Transport to work

It’s almost the same, two hours one way coming here. In the morning, well, I do have a little bit of walk to the bus stop. (Participant ID: 2:12)

Well, not much because the bus, you don’t feel ok standing in the bus, even if you try to change there is nothing you can change. (Participant ID: 2:15)

Physical activity at home

Like for me yes, because my son is only almost two years, so I have to run after him. Some bath, feeding, I have to run, and you have to fight for him to eat. (Participant ID: 2:27)

Me sometimes I do a weightlifts. Yes maybe twice a week. Just to refresh my body. (Participant ID: 3:55)

So, I agree with him that you have to create time and do individual exercises. (Participant ID: 2:47)


In some instances I think it goes worse because some, their husband they cannot help them because remember people with different cultures and how we see things, some women when they go home, they do everything. (Participant ID: 2:79)

And if you are not open-minded in terms of the culture, you will struggle…. that is why I can argue that ladies they go through a lot of depression because of home. (Participant ID: 42:38)