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Table 3 Number of patients requiring repeat operation for cosmetic and other problems after initial surgery for craniosynostosis

From: Intensive care unit course of infants and children after cranial vault reconstruction for craniosynostosis

Age at first surgery (suture category)

Age at re-operation

Reasons for re-operation

5 yrs (sagittal, lambdoid)

8 yrs

↑ICP, headache, unsteady gait

11 mo (pansynostosis)

11 mo**

temporalis muscle re-suspension

6 mo (rt. Lambdoid)

4 yrs

bony defect over posterior sagittal sinus

18 mo (pansynostosis, Crouzon's variant)

18 mo*

hemifacial reconstruction

6 mo (bicoronal)

6 yrs

Facial asymmetry & orbital dystopia

5 yrs (sagittal/metopic)

6 yrs

Repair of multiple cranial defects

1 yr (sagittal)

7 yrs

cranioplasty for frontal skull defects

7 mo (coronal synostosis)

4 yrs

Non-healing coronal incision, craniofacial deformity, repair of Lt encephalocoele

  1. *3 days after first surgery; **4 days after first surgery;
  2. Patients with recurrent synostosis and major surgical complications were 6 months or older at time of initial surgery. Poor cosmetic outcomes appear to be common in patients older than 6 months at the time of initial surgery.