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Table 1 Patient baseline characteristics

From: Association of serum vitamin B12 levels with stage of liver fibrosis and treatment outcome in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection: a retrospective study

Male/female sex n (%)

68/48 (59%/41%)

Age [median (range)]

51 (22–80)

HCV subtype n (%)1a/1b/1a + b

34/77/5 (29%/67%/4%)

HCV-RNA level [median (IQR)] copies/mL

1.8 × 106 (4.5 × 105–6.2 × 106)

AST [median (IQR)] U/L

44 (32–73)

ALT [median (IQR)] U/L

51 (32–93)

γ-GT [median (IQR)] U/L

50 (28–100)

Vitamin B12 [median (IQR)] ng/L

488 (339–727)

Hepatitis activity n (%)


79 (68%)


37 (32%)

Fibrosis n (%)


89 (77%)


27 (23%)

Steatosis n (%)


58 (50%)


57 (49%)


1 (1%)

IFNL3/IFNL4 rs12979860 n (%)


44 (38%)


54 (47%)


14 (12%)


4 (3%)

  1. Laboratory data are presented as mean and interquartile (IQR); number of cases are given in total and as a percentage; Baseline serum vitamin B12 levels were available for 107 patients.