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Table 2 Percentage of respondents who agreed with the selected statements

From: Antibiotic use and resistance: a cross-sectional study exploring knowledge and attitudes among school and institution personnel in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia


Correctness of the statement (if applicable)

Number (%) agreeing with the statement

Access to antibiotics

 Leftover antibiotics are good to keep at home in case of future need


91 (47)

 Have received antibiotics without consultation with doctor


103 (55)

 Have purchased antibiotics without prescription


115 (62)

Areas of antibiotic use and effectiveness

 Antibiotics speed up recovery from a cold


103 (55)

 Antibiotics are effective against bacteria


97 (52)

 Antibiotics are effective against viruses


102 (55)

 Inflammation of the ear in a 3- to 6-year-old child almost always needs to be treated with antibiotics


54 (29)

Side-effect of antibiotic treatment and antibiotic resistance

 If you feel better after half the treatment with antibiotics you can stop taking them


40 (21)

 Humans can become resistant to antibiotics


116 (62)

 Bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics


102 (55)

Doctor–patient relationship

 Doctors often take time to inform the patient during the consultation how antibiotics should be used


114 (62)

 Pharmacy staff often tell you how antibiotics should be used


100 (54)

 I trust the doctor’s decision when s/he prescribes antibiotics


141 (76)

 I trust the doctor’s decision if s/he decides not to prescribe antibiotics


148 (80)