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Table 2 Preoperative hematological, coagulation and thromboelastography parameters

From: The effects on coagulation of the reinfusion of unprocessed residual blood from the cardiopulmonary bypass



Laboratory coagulation parameters

Hemoglobin (g/l)

(NR: 115–165)

126 (15)

Platelets (×109/l)

(NR: 150–400 × 109)

190 (52)

Prothrombin time (s)

(NR: 11–15)

12 (1.1)


(NR: <1.4)

1.1 (0.10)

aPTT (s)

(NR: 22–38)

29 (5.50)

Thrombin time (s)

(NR: 13–21)

18 (3.60)

Fibrinogen (g/l)

(NR: 2–4)

3.1 (0.88)

D-Dimer (mg/l)

(NR: <0.23)

0.24 (0.14)

TEG parameters (heparinase)

R-time (min)

(NR: 4–8)

6.3 (1.70)

K-time (min)

(NR: 0–4)

1.6 (0.36)

Alpha angle (degrees)

(NR: 47–74)

72 (3.70)

Maximum amplitude (mm)

(NR: 54–72)

70 (5)

TEG parameters (native)

R-time (mins)

(NR: 4–8)

7.5 (5)

K-time (mins)

(NR: 0–4)

2.2 (2.50)

Alpha angle (degrees)

(NR: 47–74)

70 (8.60)

Maximum amplitude (mm)

(NR: 54–72)

71 (5.30)

  1. Values are mean with standard deviation unless otherwise stated
  2. NR normal range